Revenue-Share Program Offers New Opportunity for Chambers of Commerce
Bar-Z Mobile Development has long been in the business of creating innovative mobile solutions for civic organizations of all stripes. Our apps focus on connecting, communicating, engaging, inspiring and generally enabling organizations to reach their goals using mobile technology. In addition to the recent launch of our new zCivic division, we are excited to expand our product and service options even further by offering a unique alternative to our standard software-as-a-service offering for chambers of commerce.
For qualifying chambers, we are offering a new revenue-sharing mobile app program that is designed to help chambers earn non-dues revenue and provide new advertising and promotional opportunities for their member businesses. The program is based loosely on the traditional printed chamber directory model but updated with modern technology with features that engage audiences and opportunities for even greater revenue generation.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1) Partnership
The chamber partners with zCivic to help facilitate communication with members, contribute content to the app, and help market the app to the community. Chamber members will be added to the app in a basic business listings (similar to the chamber directory), but have an opportunity to upgrade their presence to make their listing more effective in promoting their businesses.
Step 2) Ad Sales
An upgraded listing can be sold to chamber members for a yearly fee. Upgraded listings are how business owners make a bigger splash on the app; their listing can include photo galleries, multimedia files, social media links, text, GPS integration, coupons, and additional business information. Additional options include category sponsorships, digital loyalty cards, and native ads. The chamber receives a percentage of all member ad sales, providing important funding to support other chamber programs.
zCivic handles all of the ad sales as well as the app management, design, and development.
Step 3) Community Integration
Other community organizations have the opportunity to be a part of the project, which helps provide useful content and features that draw in app users. The goal is to create a comprehensive guide to the community for residents and visitors, and foster collaboration amongst the chamber, the city, tourism bureaus, downtown associations and more. Each organization has access to add and update their own content and send out push notifications to the app users.
Step 4) Profit
The result is a win-win for everyone. As the app grows so will the advertising dollars. The more the app is promoted and used, the more businesses will want to spend on their listing. The official app becomes an indispensable tool that helps connect the community and support local businesses.
Take advantage of the mobile revolution by partnering with zCivic. Contact us today to see if your chamber qualifies to be the next zCivic revenue-share partner.
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Sunny S
Sunny has been working in mobile and location-based technology since 2008, specializing in marketing, business development, and project management. She lives in Denver with her husband and kitten, where she enjoys outdoor adventures and craft brews.